Wednesday we went to see Dr.
DeLisle to find out what we would be having for baby #3. Clint was convinced that it was a baby girl so in honor of finding out we wore PINK! Mom,
Aydan, Ethan, Clint and I waited for a little while for the ultrasound tech. Finally she came and took us all back. As soon as we got in there I could feel my stomach get in knots. Did I really want to find out? She put the piece on my stomach and the first thing that I saw was a dead give away! I knew what it was before the the I announced to Clint and Mom that it was going to be........a
I guess we could have told everyone that we wore pink for Breast Cancer Month...but we were too excited about finding out it was going to be another boy and it did not matter :) 3 mommas boys for me :)