Saturday, May 8, 2010

2 Year Check Up

Aydan went Friday for his 2 year check up with Dr. Cartwright. When we arrived they weighed him, checked his height, and head circumference. At 2 years old he weighs 39 lbs., is 38 in. tall, and his head circumference was 51 cm. All of those measurements place Aydan above the 97th percentiles. Since the day he was born he always has been in the 97th percentile, and still 2 years later that is where he stands. Dr. Cartwright has always been so good, kind, and loving with Aydan. At this appointment he told him and us that he will be WELL OVER 6 feet tall. He said only time will tell, but for sure he would be over 6 ft tall. Clint told me that he better go ahead and get all those whoopings in now. A friend of Clint's said that we better start saving up money now for the grocery bill as a teenager. When Aydan completed the ability test he scored between 2 1/2 years and 3 years 1 month.
I love my baby boy so much! He is growing up way too fast. I have so much more to share about his birthday party that was just a few weeks ago, family picture day, our family trip to Birmingham, Ethan's latest check-up, etc. Hopefully sometime soon I will have more time to post those pictures. Summer is coming soon, just 3 more weeks of school. Yay!

1 comment:

Sallye said...

Wow! What a big boy! I know you are counting the days until summer fun! We saw Dr. Cartwright on Thursday, and love him too.