What a joyous Mother's Day weekend I had. It started Friday night when the boys, Clint, and I went shopping at Target and Kirkland's. After we went shopping we headed over to Casa Blanca to eat some dinner. After eating dinner we headed home. When we got home Mike, Gina, and Shelby from down the street came over to play for a little bit. We had a blast playing outside blowing bubbles and playing tag. Then it was time to come in and take a bath. We had a busy weekend ahead of us.
Saturday morning we woke up early to head to Clint's Mom and Dad's house for Mother's Day. When we arrived we played with Emie Kate, Camden, Uncle Brent and Aunt Jamie. We jumped on the trampoline, ran around, and played on their swing set. Aydan had a blast playing with Emie Kate and Camden.
Around lunch time we headed up to Granny and Papaw's house to visit with them. Everyone was already outside enjoying the weather so we joined them. We ran around and played outside. We also got to hang out with Papaw Earnest, Uncle Raymond, Aunt Joyce, Aunt Lauren and cousin Tim. It was great seeing everyone. After playing outside for about an hour we headed inside to eat BBQ sandwiches. They were delicious! Aydan was so worn out from playing that he started falling asleep at the table. I laid him down and he took a 3 hour nap before it was time to head to Uncle Nephew's 30th birthday party!
At about 5:00 we got ready to go to Uncle Nephew's party! It was great. They cooked out and we all played baseball outside. Aydan was tickled with the fact that he could carry the bat, ball, and wear a baseball glove. I don't know how many times we heard him say "uh-oh, sowy" because he dropped the ball. Everyone at the party was so sweet to Aydan and Ethan both. They ate them up. Aydan put on a really good show for everyone and won their hearts over :) .
By the time we got home that evening everyone was pooped, so we all went to bed. The next morning was a special treat, Clint let me sleep in until about 8:00. Then I woke up and came out to see the 2 best reasons that I get to celebrate mother's day! Aydan and Ethan were both up and playing. Aydan brought me my cards and gave me a big hug. He wanted me to open my "books" so that he could play with them.
After hanging out for a bit I called my mom and invited her to Sam's with me and the boys. We had a good time at Sam's buying all sorts of goodies for the boys (aka diapers, wipes and formula). Then we head over to McAllister's for some Mother's Day Lunch. It was delicious.
After eating lunch we headed home for nap time because we had to go over to Memaw's and Pepaw's house for dinner. That is when I got a Mother's Day surprise from Aydan! Mom changed Aydan and laid him down for me, but shortly after laying down he started saying "mmmm hot....mmmmm hot" which to him means he needs to go potty.

So mom took his diaper back off and let him go to the restroom. When he got in there he sat on his frog potty and scooted around for a little while, Mom left to change Ethan. Then he poked his little head out of the restroom and said "uh-oh, sowy...". Great I thought to myself he peed on the wall or something. But no when I went in he said "uh-oh, sowy..." then pointed at the potty and said "mmm...yuck....yuck...sowy". He had gone poop in the potty!! I was so proud of my baby boy! He has been going pee in the potty but never poop! It was definitely a mother's day present I will never forget. Thank you baby boy! I love you so much! I wish that you would stop growing up so quickly :)
The other exciting Mother's Day present that I got came from Ethan. I looked in his mouth and rubbed his bottom gum and low and behold if he did not have his two bottom teeth poking out. I cannot believe how quickly my baby baby boy is growing up. He is already sitting up, getting his first teeth, eating fruits, etc. Where in the world did the time go? Ethan I love you so much, you always make me smile when I see your sweet face grinning up at me. No matter what I have been through seeing you makes things so much better. You are my baby boy and always will be :)

Being a mother is an awesome experience. It is amazing how much love you can have for something so little. I did not know that I had so much love to give until I was so blessed with them. My baby boys are my world, and I would not take anything in the world for them. For me everyday is Mother's Day... I am lucky enough to wake up and see them, bathe them, read them stories, play with them, kiss their boo-boos, say prayers with them, and tuck them in for bed. It is those things in life that are special. I am honored to have a day like Mother's Day for moms, but really it is everyday that I enjoy being a mother. Thank you Clint for giving me the best gifts of my life! I love all 3 of you so much!
Yay for updates!!! Please send Aydan over for a lesson on pottying!!!
Sounds like y'all had a fun and busy weekend. Glad that you had a great Mother's Day!
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