Monday, May 17, 2010

Just for Today

With the end of the school year quickly approaching it is not hard to get caught up in the everyday stress. By the time I get home from work I don't know whether I am coming or going. My fuse and patience's is just about burnt out. I know that I have been a little much here lately especially towards the ones that I love the most. I owe my mom, Clint, Aydan, Ethan, and who knows who else a huge thank you for putting up with me and a big I am sorry for the way that things have been lately. When I sat down to check my email this evening I ran across this poem, and it gave me a reality check again of what really matters in life. God, these boys, my family, and my friends are the most important things to me. Everything else in this world can be replaced but you cannot replace unconditional love. So again I want to say sorry and I love you all so much! Thank you for putting up with me! :)

Just For Today
Misty J. Eades

Just for this morning I won't wash clothes, instead we will watch your favorite cartoon.
(Handy Manny, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Sesame Street, or Word 2 pick)

Just for this morning I won't wash dishes, instead we will color together.
(I will even let you use the markers if you want, Ethan you will learn about those one day)
Just for this afternoon I won't watch my soaps; instead we will go to the park and feed the ducks.
(ok...not big on the soaps but I won't watch tv)

Just for this afternoon you and I will snuggle up on the couch and watch a favorite movie and eat popcorn.
(Alvin and the Chipmunks seems to be a hit now, Ethan you just love movement)

Just for tonight I will let you help me fix dinner and I won't yell at you for making a mess.
(Chicken with Mac and Cheese for Aydan and Bananas for Ethan)

Just for tonight I won't yell when you splash water all over the bathroom floor.
(Both of you love to splash the water everywhere)

Just for tonight when I tuck you into bed and we snuggle together to read your favorite story I will hold you a little tighter and a little longer and Thank God for giving you to me.
(You both love all books right now, you always want to "read/eat" anything you can get your hands on)

I Love You Aydan!
I Love You Ethan!
I Love You Clint!
I Love You Mom!

1 comment:

Leanne Helums said...

so very true.....
I feel like we are running in overdrive these days