Here is a small glimpse of what it looked like from our room. The picture does not do the actual sight much justice, but you still can get the idea. :)
Clint, Julie, Aydan, Ethan, Owen, Nemo, and Eva
Clint and I decided to buy Aydan a walker to use at his Memaw's and Pepaw's house. We found it for $8.00!! What a deal, it has been worth every penny! Aydan adores his new toy, and whenever he gets to their house can't wait to chase Nemo, Eva, Dixie and Madison around in it. The other reason that he likes it is because it allows him to move all over the house and get into anything that he wants. Just recently he has discovered how to open and close all the cabinets in the kitchen. Here is a short clip of him and I playing in the hallway.