Monday, November 23, 2009

Doctor's Appointment and First Offical Day Off

Today I had to go to the regular doctor because I have been feeling sick. Just a few days from delivering and of course I get sick. I went to see Dr. Puri and she said that I have a sinus infection. Typically they shrug off pregnant ladies and tell them to take Tylenol and hang in there. Today she actually got to help me out some. She gave me a steroid shot (with a little extra for Ethan), Amoxicillan, and a decongestant. After an hour the steroid shot kicked in and it was amazing how much better it made me feel.

Then Clint, Lauren, and I went to Kroger to get some groceries just in case little Ethan decides to come soon. That ended up turning into a project. It is amazing how rude people get around the holidays. 2 women behind me kept talking about how I "cut in front of them". I was sort of good I only told Clint that if they kept saying stuff about it that I was going to have to say something to them. Luckily they heard me tell him and dropped it.

Since I have been 36 weeks I have been hinting to the doctor that I am ready for Ethan's arrival. Now that I am quickly approaching 40 weeks, I am hoping that he let's me hang in there. Crazy I know...but I would love to spend Thanksgiving with family and friends instead of in the hospital (but if that is what is intended then I am ready for that too). Of course the Iron Bowl is Friday and I am hoping that Aydan and I get to watch that together. We both enjoyed watching it last year together even though we did not win.

Tomorrow is the big day with Dr. DeLisle...he has been telling me since 36 weeks "we will talk next week" well we are approaching 40 weeks now, I would say time to talk is running out. Wish me luck...I do not think I really know what I want. But Ethan knows exactly what he wants and will try to get it when he is ready. Keep our family in your thoughts and prayers.

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